Eudonet revolutionises the way you work

  • Bring your teams together for effective collaboration
  • Communicate and interact intelligently with your customers
  • Streamline your business processes and maximize your success
  • Use an all-in-one solution that works for you

All Eudonet in 1 minute 30

A unique and tailor-made solution for everyone


Professional Associations

A unique solution to federate, defend and represent

Everything you need for unparalleled management of your NPO’s members!


shared database for easy collaboration


to personalise an emailing and create privileged connections


to renew subscriptions, welcome and retain your members

NGOs & Foundations

A solution that stimulates generosity

Everything to engage more volunteers, donors and sponsors!

5 000

daily users achieved through enhanced collaboration


marketing automation criteria to build unique relationships with each contact

+ 64%

of median donation collected online* to better advocate for your cause

*Compared to traditional payment methods - Source: France Générosité

Private sector

An all-in-one solution that powers your business

Easily manage all your business processes for greater efficiency!


productivity gain* thanks to better collaboration

+ 29%

performance** to boost your results

+ 15%

of loyal customers by being effectively connected with them

*according to Stratenet agency - **according to eudonet customers

Happy users !

Focus on your core business at last

Finally, an all-in-one tool that gives you the freedom to work your way!

A shared base and processes: there’s nothing like it to foster collaboration within your teams, improve your efficiency and make your organisation much more effective

Develop a unique connection with each contact

Eudonet offers your contacts an exceptional experience

Customised messages, automation, surveys, dedicated space: easily create a community of ambassadors and interact with them in compliance with the RGPD.

Without further ado, create a privileged relationship with each of them!

Our latest news

Private Sector

CRM for Commercial Management

Optimizing Commercial Management with CRM Software

By Marc Thévenin

Using commercial management software is crucial for your business success. CRM solutions, traditionally associated with customer relationship management, are increasingly emerging as versatile and powerful tools.

A team of 300 enthusiasts, experts in your field

Solutions designed with you and for you

You are our inspiration for designing and improving your favourite features.

Editeur et Intégrateur : que des avantages

Publisher + Integrator :
there are only advantages

Between you and us, there is no intermediary. This is the guarantee of a CRM project carried out with complete peace of mind.

A team driven by strong human values

Collaboration, Agility, Performance, Humility: the ingredients of a team ready to help you day after day.

Let’s get down to business,
Let’s meet!

Need more information? Want to talk to us about your business? Our specialists can help you see things more clearly.